Abstract: This article is a synopsis of three performance tasks designed for students enrolled in an educational leadership graduate level course Using Data to Affect Change. These performance tasks address the requisite knowledge and skills that an effective school leader should possess in order to improve the quality of instruction and at the same time increase student academic performance. The three performance tasks involve an analysis of a school's data resources, a performance gap analysis, and the creation of survey instruments in order to gather perception data from students, parents, teachers, and any other relevant stakeholders. Each of the performance tasks addresses the Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) standards for Advanced Programs in Educational Leadership (1.2.b, 1.3.b, 1.4.b, 2.2.a, 2.2.c, 2.3.a, 2.3.c, and 2.4.b).

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Keywords: schools and data, school improvement, ELCC standards

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