Review Process for NCPEA Publications


All submissions to the International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, the Education Leadership Review, Education Leadership Review of Doctoral Research, and Mentoring and Tutoring are subjected to "Double-Blind Review" by a cadre of reviewers, who are professors of education administration and practitioners from the field.


Manuscript submissions are first delegated to an Editor or Assistant Editor who has the experience and expertise in the specific topic area of the manuscript. The Editor then selects/assigns two reviewers (who also have identified expertise areas) to the manuscript.  The purpose of this procedure is to make certain that an author's submission receives an appropriate review by reviewers who have a command of the subject area.


If there is disagreement between the two reviews, the submission is sent to a third reviewer before a final decision is made.  In ALL cases of acceptance or rejection, the author receives copies of the reviews, with no names attached.

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