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Table of Contents
Editors’ Introduction 1
Darlene Russell, Julia Ballenger
Immigration Across Cultures Throughout History:
Deconstructing the Myths and Misconception in Teacher Education 7
Melda N. Yildiz
Children of Immigration: A Holistic Developmental 18
Approach/An Imperative for Social Justice
Effie N. Christie, Maureen V. Himchak
Fostering a Humanizing Pedagogy: Imagined Possibilities 34
For African Immigrant Girls
Crystal Chen, Karishma Desai, Michelle Knight-Manuel
Nanny, Momma, Portia, and Us: Two Black Jamaican 44
Women Conquer the PhD and Navigate Academia
Cheryll Albold, Cherrel Miller-Dyce
Narratives of Foreign-Born International Teachers: Implications for 58
Dialogic Leadership for Social Justice
Makini Beck, Christine Nganga
Tilt and Pivot: Immigrant Transgressions through Autoethnography 72
Yen C. Verhoeven
Intersectionality of Native American and Deaf Women: Cross-Cultural 81
Parallels in Historical Oppression and Identity Formation
on Leadership Development
Damara Goff Paris
About the Authors 98