The Education Leadership Review (ELR) is the official peer-reviewed journal of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration (NCPEA) and has been published twice annually since 1996. The ELR is a journal of research and practice in the field of educational administration, with an acceptance rate of 19% over the last six issues.


Manuscripts are double-blind reviewed by a cadre of over 250 professors of educational administration from over 200 universities. Manuscripts are directed to reviewers with expertise and interest in the submission topic and methodology.

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Eastern Michigan University

John W. Porter Building

Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197

Editors and Staff

  • Founding Editor: Theodore Creighton, Virginia Tech
  • Editor: Casey Brown, University of Texas at Arlington
  • Assistant Editors: Sandra Harris, Lamar University; Kenneth Young, Lamar University
  • NCPEA Publications Director: Brad Bizzell; Radford University

Editorial Advisory Board

Louis Wildman, Cal State University Bakersfield

Fenwick English, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Marilyn Grady, University of Nebraska Lincoln

Rosemary Papa, Northern Arizona University

Richard Flanary, National Association fof Secondary School Principals (NASSP)

Martha McCarthy, Indiana University

Beverly Irby, Sam Houston State University

Ronald Lindahl, Alabama State University

David Alexander, Virginia Tech

Carol Mullen, Virginia Tech

Sandra Harris, Lamar University

Scott Sweetland, Ohio State University

Thomas C.Valesky, Florida Gulf Coast University

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