This study gathered quantitative and qualitative data from female school board presidents in Illinois.  Sixty-six female school board presidents completed questionnaires gathering demographic information related to their role as school board president.  As well, these participants completed the Leadership Self-Efficacy Scale, LSES (Bobbio & Manganelli, 2009) identifying perceived leadership self-efficacy in six dimensions. The study has three purposes: to determine a profile of Illinois female school board presidents, to determine perceptions of their leadership self-efficacy, and to determine any relationship between characteristics and perceptions.  The results of this study contribute to research which supports the nexus of higher levels of student achievement and effective superintendent and school board leadership (Iowa Association of School Boards, 2001). The role of the school board president is the fulcrum upon which the superintendent/board relationship balances.  Findings revealed the female board presidents had the highest mean rating for leadership self-efficacy in the LSES dimension Choosing Effective Followers and Delegating Responsibilities.  

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