The purpose of this study was to determine the value that graduate students place on different types of instructional methods used by professors in educational leadership preparation programs, and to determine if master’s and doctoral students place different values on different instructional methods. The participants included 87 graduate students, including 43 master’s students and 44 PhD students in an educational leadership program at a university located in the Southwest. The students completed a qualitative survey that asked them to discuss instructional methods that they valued, including specific types of (a) class discussions, (b) in-class learning activities other than discussions, (c) course readings (d) out-of-class assignments and projects other than readings, and (e) instruction provided by a “composite” outstanding professor of educational leadership. Although both master’s and doctoral students valued many of the same instructional methods, there were clear differences between the two groups regarding several methods. This study begins to address the gaps in our knowledge base on graduate students’ perceptions of different instructional methods used in leadership preparation.

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