Society, Standards, and Technology Leadership Preparation
Jason LaFrance
Georgia Southern University
Wendy Metcalf
Gwinnett County Public Schools
Abraham Maslow is credited with stating, “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.” This statement rings true today. The vast array of technological tools available provides a greater variety of options for educators than ever before. The challenge that arises is determining which tools to select and how to most effectively use them. A number of factors suggest that technology skills are becoming essential for school leaders. These factors included increased use of technology for administrative tasks, continued growth of online and blended learning, and federal and state policies that support technology utilization in K - 12 schools. To support leaders and leadership preparation programs in the increasingly technological world, the National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators (NETS-A) exist. This article provides an overview of technology leadership preparation against the backdrop of the national trends and policies in K-12 schools and the current standards for integrating technology in K-12 schools.