Possibilities for Future Leadership: Thoughts from an Academic Blogosphere Community

Carol A. Mullen

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Rosemary Papa

Northern Arizona University

Kimberly Kappler Hewitt

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Daniel Eadens

University of Southern Mississippi

Scarlet Chopin

Northern Arizona University

Brad E. Bizzell

Radford University

Michael Schwanenberger

Northern Arizona University



In this dialogic essay we present an extremely important subject—the future of educational leadership and education more broadly. Given the uncertainty over and anxiety about the future of K–12 education and higher education, our goal for this article is to have currency and importance. We forged a scholarly community to discuss mid-21st-century leadership and education. Our research blogosphere arose out of a blog series and qualitative analyses of the data collected, which support the arguments we make.


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