
A core element of every successful educational organization is great leadership. While administrators, teachers, students, and parents have known this for decades, policy makers and thought leaders have only recently begun to acknowledge the proposition that leadership matters: : :a lot. Of course, conversations about the attributes, behaviors, and characteristics of great school leaders are nothing new. Over the past century, the eld has amassed an impressive repository of empirical studies, scholarly literature, conceptual frameworks, and best practice narratives on the subject. Clearly, there is no dearth of information about leadership. However, decades of deep and thoughtful scholarship have yet to reveal a uniform theory of eective leadership. In fact, quite the opposite has occurred. For many of us who have studied and taught about leadership over the years, it seems that the more we learn about great leaders (e.g., who they are, what they do, and how they are developed) the less we know. Full Manuscript Available in PDF attached below or Online at: http://cnx.org/content/m37193/latest/

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