The No Child Left Behind Act is comprised of four pillars, one of which is “proven education methods.” This paper attempts to provide a historical context for the development of evidence-based education by examining its foundation in medical practice. Next, the rationale for evidence of educational effectiveness based on a scientific “gold standard,” the randomized controlled trial (RCT), is explored and the relative limitations of this approach are outlined. Finally, important distinctions between medicine and education are explained. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS FULL MANUSCRIPT:

Special program and other school administrators regularly confront the issue of whether students under their charge are entitled to receive homebound instruction and if so, what procedures and criteria they should apply in coming to a proper decision. Where a student is entitled to such services the administrator must decide what subjects must be taught as well as their duration, intensity and frequency. Although virtually all state legislatures have addressed a student’s right to receive homebound instruction the right to such benefits may intersect with those arising under federal laws such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act {IDEA/2004), the Rehabilitation Act (§ 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act, thereby creating confusion for many administrators. ACCESS FULL MANUSCRIPT AT:

Arizona has three types of administrative certifications: principal, superintendent and supervisor. In order to qualify for a principal certificate in Arizona, as in most other states, prescribed coursework is necessary. The individual also must have three years of qualified experience as a teacher. In recent years, completing a program of university coursework for certification only qualifies an individual to take the examination developed by the state education department. Upon passing the exam, the candidate is entitled to a principal certificate. In Arizona this examination is called the Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment (AEPA). ACCESS FULL MANUSCRIPT AT:

The purpose of this study was to examine utilization of the Data Collaborative Model (DCM), a process of instructional improvement using data analysis in a collaborative environment. The rationale was that campuses which attempted to create and implement a culture of data-driven decision making in a collaborative, reflective setting over a three-year period of time would experience an increase in teacher effectiveness and student performance. 


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