What is Manuscript FastTrack ?

 NCPEA uses Express Academic Services, who provide us with the Manuscript FastTrack™ system, a fully automated web-based manuscript management and tracking service that speeds up the review process, improves the quality of reviews, and enhances the experience of authors, reviewers, and editors while eliminating the need for administrative and other support staff. After manuscripts are peer-reviewed and accepted, they flow into the Manuscript FastPress system, and are published in one of the NCPEA Publications.

Manuscripts are assigned to Topic Editors (who have experience and expertise in the topic), who first review the manuscript determine its appropriateness to the specific publication. If deemed appropriate, the Editor selects/assigns two-three topic reviewers (who also have the expertise and interest in the topic), who conduct blind-reviews (i.e., without authors' names or contact information).

Submitting authors will be requested to set up FastTrack user accounts upon submission of a document. This account is free and easy to set up, allowing the author to track the progress/status of his/her submission.

Here is the link to submitting manuscripts to the Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnerhip in Learning through the Manuscript FastTrack submission process: 


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