
While high stakes testing continues as the centerpiece of education reform efforts to improve education, the impact of high stakes testing on principals needs further exploration. The Principal’s High Stakes Testing Survey, a 48-item instrument, was employed to collect data on Georgia principals’ views about the impact of high stakes testing on education in their schools. Principals’ responded to survey items measured on a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) that were grouped into six domains; curriculum, teaching, work satisfaction, stress, accountability, and students. A stratified random sample of principals from Georgia’s elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools participated in the study. Principals’ responses did not differ by gender, educational level, or school configuration. However, African American principals responded more positively than did White principals to items on the instrument. FULL MANUSCRIPT AVAILABLE IN PDF (attached below) OR ONLINE AT:
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